Insights from Starboard: Uncategorized

We are happy to share what we learn, and we do this as workshop instructors, by developing curriculum for the Maine Association of Nonprofits and individual clients, and by offering advice on our Starboard blog. Take a look. You just might find the guidance you need!

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Dispersed or hierarchical? Finding the leadership structure that works best for your business or nonprofit.

During the last few months, several clients have asked us to help optimize their organizational leadership structure, and we’ve facilitated some meaty discussions about the merits of dispersed versus hierarchical leadership structures. We have developed four questions that can help businesses and nonprofits find the structure most suited to their specific situation. Do we have …
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Is there a merger in your future?

Today, Maine’s nonprofits are trying to ride out a “perfect storm” of challenges arising from the pandemic and its associated economic effects, including uncertain funding, increased demand for services, and inability to interact with clients in traditional ways. Constricted budgets have sent some struggling agencies searching for allies with the resources required to support their …
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Politics and the Pandemic: Forces for Change in 2021

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed that “Nothing endures but change,” and truer words were never spoken. These days, it seems that changes are coming at us faster than ever and effective change management is the key to success. Thoughtful leaders are watching two forces that will challenge nonprofit organizations in the coming year. Politics: We’re …
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Team-building from afar: Embrace technology to build cohesion

Effective teamwork matters more now than ever as the pandemic has forced physical separation and upended business as usual. Working remotely and in times of crisis requires a high level of communication, alignment, and trust—making now the ideal time to prioritize team-building. As an Authorized Partner of the Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors® systems, Starboard …
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Planning for uncertainty: Shorten the timeline and focus on the essentials

“A goal without a plan is just a wish,” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupery, and to paraphrase many a successful leader, wishing is not a strategy. The essential elements of strategic planning are the same as they were pre-pandemic. To guide your work, you need clarity around mission, vision, goals and objectives. But the world has …
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