
We are happy to share what we learn, and we do this as workshop instructors, by developing curriculum for the Maine Association of Nonprofits and individual clients, and by offering advice on our Starboard blog. Take a look. You just might find the guidance you need!

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What to consider before agreeing to be the board chair.

For most organizations, the “career path” to chairing the board becomes apparent when someone asks you to consider serving as the vice chair. At that point, it would be naïve of you to think that the path ends there. As safe as it sounds when you agree—the suggestion being that your only duty will be …
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What if someone else chooses your advisory council members?

Sometimes advisory council members are selected by someone outside of your organization–a political appointment, for example. We worked with one organization that would simply throw-up its hands and say, “We have to take what we get.” While it may be true that the ultimate decision rests elsewhere, we think it is a mistake not to …
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Are You Ready for Advice From an Advisory Council?

The name “advisory council” suggests there will be advice offered. While the intention may be that the advisory council is offering advice to the board of directors, be sure the board truly wants the advice and is ready to respond. Advisory councils to which no one is really listening can leave the participants feeling empty …
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7 Tips For a Successful Board Member Recruitment Meeting

If your recruitment process has reached the point where you are ready to sit down with your prospective board candidate and make the ask, give some consideration to the following tips for managing a successful meeting: Be clear on what you want to cover and who will do what – This should not be an …
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Tips for new board member orientation

We advise our clients to give careful thought to how they will orient their new board members before they recruit them. Think about the message it sends to the board prospect if, during the recruitment meeting, you are able say: “If you join the board, we will be hosting an orientation in August where you …
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