
We are happy to share what we learn, and we do this as workshop instructors, by developing curriculum for the Maine Association of Nonprofits and individual clients, and by offering advice on our Starboard blog. Take a look. You just might find the guidance you need!

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Why COVID has us thinking about our core

Why COVID has us thinking about our core Elite athletes have long known what many organizational leaders are now learning: core strength is the key to success. On the track, ice, court and field, coordination, agility, and pure explosive power are centered in the core. Core strength is a vital component of almost every sport, …
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Help Develop Your Leaders through Executive Coaching

Several factors, including the growing number of nonprofit leadership transitions and increasing competition for limited financial resources, have led to increased interest in the use of executive leadership coaching as a professional development strategy. Executives interviewed for the 2011 “Daring to Lead” report assessed coaching as one of the most effective and underutilized professional development …
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Don’t Meet to Report

Today our most valuable commodity is our time. If you are lucky enough to get people in the same room together, don’t waste their time with reports and updates that could easily be shared in writing before or after the meeting. Instead, focus this valuable face-to-face time on items that can really benefit from discussion …
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Preparing for the Board Chair Role: Opportunities & Challenges

The Governance Affinity Group of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management recently published a report based on its survey of 635 nonprofit board chairs from across the country. As one of the few studies done specifically with board chairs, it sought to answer two research questions: “How do individuals prepare for their role as chair of …
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Hiring Practices to Build Strength Through Diversity

Many employers, particularly in the nonprofit community, now talk a good game regarding their commitment to diversity. They have policies in place prohibiting discrimination and enthusiastically acknowledge the virtue and utility of a diverse workforce. It’s been ten years since University of Michigan Professor Scott E. Page published mathematical modeling and case studies showing how …
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Making the Case for Term Limits for Nonprofit Board Members

Throughout my career I have remained unyielding in my support for term limits on nonprofit boards. With that said, I appreciate why instituting them (or even discussing them) is so hard to do. The prospect of losing one or two of your very best board members and launching a recruitment process to replace them can …
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