
We are happy to share what we learn, and we do this as workshop instructors, by developing curriculum for the Maine Association of Nonprofits and individual clients, and by offering advice on our Starboard blog. Take a look. You just might find the guidance you need!

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Your Best Board Member Candidates Might Be Close at Hand

Board recruitment is one of the most important and challenging aspects of nonprofit work. Unfortunately, many nonprofits maximize their risks and minimize their opportunities because they look at it as an annual task rather than the ongoing leadership development process it should be. If your organization engages volunteers in your program delivery, events, or fundraising, …
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The Board Nominating Committee – Your First Meeting Agenda

As you consider the agenda for the first meeting of the board committee charged with nomination and recruitment, I’m going to suggest a meeting agenda where NO potential nominees’ names are put forward or discussed. It sounds completely counter to the committee’s purpose and reason for being, but hear me out. In the workshops I …
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Expectations of Board Members – Be Clear When Recruiting

At some point in every board recruitment conversation the prospective board member will look to you to outline the expectations of board members. Rather than waffle or downplay the commitment (“it really doesn’t take much time”), be prepared to walk through those expectations with him or her, demonstrating as you do so that your board …
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Are you ready if a board candidate asks, “Why me?”

A savvy, experienced board candidate—the kind of person you would like to recruit—is sure to ask at some point in the recruitment process, “Why me?” A board that has its act together should be able to answer that question in detail and in a manner that demonstrates they are thoughtful and strategic in their recruitment. …
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Successful Board Member Recruitment – It Matters Who Asks

Board recruitment is a board responsibility. One more time. Board recruitment is a board responsibility. Yet too often the recruitment duties fall to the executive director (E.D.) or CEO. They shouldn’t. While the E.D. may be an ideal member of the recruitment team—joining a board member in making the ask—the E.D. should not take the …
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Recruiting board members – getting the meeting

Asking someone to join a board is an important request and should be done in person. This is not a time to make the ask in an e-mail message or a phone call. Even if the person you meet with eventually says “no” to your request, you want the opportunity to engage in a meaningful …
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